WP1 – P1 Summary

MatISSE WP 1 – Coordination and Support for an Integrated Research Programme on Nuclear Materials

Summary of periodic report 1.11.2013 – 30.04.2015

The aim of the work package is to support the JPNM in its strategic approach to an Integrated Research Programme (IRP). Therefore networking and integrating activities like a vision paper and periodic road-maps, management of calls and built up contacts with public authorities have to be strengthen. Set up and maintenance of a web portal and a good knowledge dissemination together with a strategic planning for T&E are further important issues.

In task 1.1. ‘Strategy to strengthen JPNM as IRP’ a first step was to discuss possible legal structures for the JPNM. Different options (Integration in EERA; Integration in an association other than EERA; Consortium; Non-profit organisation; European Economic Interesting Grouping/EEIG) were scored via weighing factors and prepared for a SWOT analysis. Finally, in the context that EERA transformed in between in a legal entity (8.4.2014), the analysis was performed only with the two structure options ‘integration in EERA’ and ‘non-profit organization/AISBL’. On the basis of the outcome of the whole procedure the Steering Committee (SC) of JPNM decided for staying under the legal entity of EERA.

Also in task 1.1. a workshop ‘Workshop with Member States’ Stakeholders under the auspices of the EURATOM FP 7 Project MatISSE and JPNM’ was carried out at the 10th of September 2014. Representatives from the Member States (MS), the European Commission (EC) and the Management Board (MB) and SC of the JPNM took part. In presentations the research activities and the respective subsidies of the EC, the MS and the JPNM were shown. In a concluding round table discussion different possibilities of future research funding were discussed intensively.

Task 1.2 ‘R&D Roadmap, SRA and Research Infrastructure’ was started with the contribution of JPNM to the ‘SET-Plan Energy Integrated Roadmap’ which was finalized in spring 2014.

For the detailed JPNM Materials Roadmap and Vision Paper three grand challenges were defined:

1.) Grand Challenge: Elaboration of design rules, assessment and test procedures suitable for the expected operating conditions and the materials envisaged. This involves deployment of infrastructures for relevant ageing phenomena and for testing of materials, data and knowledge, which is currently limited.

2.) Grand Challenge: Development of physical models coupled to advanced microstructural characterization to achieve high-level understanding predictive capability: an asset, given the scarcity of experimental data and the difficulty and cost of obtaining them.

3.) Grand Challenge: Development of new materials with superior thermo-mechanical properties and radiation-resistance or, in general, nuclear-relevance, in partnership with industry for a faster industrial upscaling.

The Vision Paper with respect to:

  • the need for future nuclear energy as a component of a resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy;
  • the key role of structural and fuel materials for the development of sustainable nuclear reactor systems;
  • the Grand Challenges for such materials that need to be addressed;
  • the establishment of an integrated European nuclear (structural and fuel) materials research programme

was finalized in 2015.

To collect information about the different infrastructures a website (http://kmproyectos.ciemat.es) was created and distributed in the nuclear material community all over Europe.

A comprehensive report ‘Reflection of the EERA financial approach to IRP/JP on Nuclear Materials’ was the start in task 1.3 ‘Governance, management structure and financial aspects’ with a detailed overview of the main strategies and bodies in Europe affecting Gen IV research and JPNM work. An important conclusion of the report was that the financial support for JPNM Gen V research and coordination depends heavily on Euratom funding.

Primarily the partner in task 1.4 ‘Strategic Planning for education, training and dissemination’ prepared a paper with facts and ideas about teaching methods and structures for future courses including quality assurance. Taking existing courses (Universities, European Nuclear Education Network ENEN, etc.) into account a concept was set up and 2 questionnaires distributed among European students and teachers to assess their E&T needs and demands.

For communication and dissemination a web portal for the Joint Programme on Nuclear Materials was created and will be further developed and maintained.

Main results of the first period:

  • Study of legal structure options for JPNM
  • Workshop on nuclear material research, present status and future funding needs
  • Contribution to SET-Plan Roadmap
  • Vision Paper for JPNM
  • Report on ‘Reflection of the EERA financial approach to IRP/JP on Nuclear Materials’
  • E&T concept (with questionnaires for feedback from research community)
  • JPNM website
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