Expected results
One of MatISSE’s main objectives is to effectively support the JPNM evolution toward an integrated research program which should involve the Member States, the European Commission and the main European research stakeholders. In this frame the expected results are:
- a strategy to structure JPNM
- the definition of a medium and long-term research strategy, as well as a road-map and an access scheme to large research infrastructures
- preparation of governance, financial and management structures
- scheme for E&T, networking, dissemination and communication
Moreover, MatISSE will comprise targeted R&D activities in thematic areas considered as priorities by the JPNM partners. Here expected results are:
- progress towards a correct assessment of the effects of irradiation-induced hardening and creep mechanism on the performance in operation of ferritic/martensitic alloys
- assessment of the potentialities of ceramic composites as advanced fuel cladding for GFR and novel structural materials for LFR
- elaborate the pre-designing of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) steels to be used as cladding for fast neutron reactors
- enlargement of the database of commercially available materials to be used for the fast neutron prototypes and demonstrators; Selection of functional coatings and modified surface layers; as well as classification of phenomena as fuel-cladding interaction and Environment Assisted Degradation of steels in liquid lead alloys