About MatISSE

The European Energy Research Alliance, set up under the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan, launched an initiative for a Joint Programme on Nuclear Materials (JPNM). JPNM will establish key priorities in the area of advanced nuclear materials, identifying funding opportunities and harmonising this scientific and technical domain at European level by maximising complementarities and synergies with the major actors in the field.

JPNM partners propose, through MatISSE, a combination of Collaborative Projects and Coordination and Support Actions to face the challenge of implementing a pan-European integrated research programme with common research activities establishing, at the same time, appropriate strategy and governance structure.

Focusing on cross-cutting activities related to materials used in fuel and structural elements of safe and sustainable advanced nuclear systems, the project aims at covering the key priorities identified in the JPNM: pre-normative research in support of ESNII systems, Oxide Dispersed Strengthened steels, refractory composites for the high temperature applications, development of predictive capacities.

MatISSE will foster the link between the respective national research programmes through networking and integrating activities on material innovations for advanced nuclear systems, sharing partners best practices and setting-up efficient communication tools. It is expected that, through MatISSE, a real boost toward Joint Programming among the Member States, the European Commission and the main European research actors, will be achieved.




MatISSE will contribute to  Europe’s objective in fostering clean, efficient and low-carbon energy technologies.

The scientific and technical work will bring progress to the fields of conventional and advanced materials, and in the capability to forecast their behaviour in operation for fuel elements and structural components.




  • 25-26 November 2015 – Workshop on strucural materials for future energy systems: The worksop will be held on 25-26 November 2015 in the Institute for Energy and Transport, Petten, The Netherlands – Draft programme.



The consortium of the MatISSE project comprises 27 partners, including one partner from Korea.

Most European research organisations working in the nuclear energy sector are participating, as well as three industrial partners and nine universities.

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MatISSE paper selected as best 2017 paper in the Journal of Nuclear Materials

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The European MatISSE project kicked off in November 2013 for a duration of four years. 

It aims at supporting the develop-ment of joint research actions between national programmes on advanced nuclear materials. 
